Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Rise of the City-State: A Low-Fantasy RP [WIP]

Authored by Mazhar Emanuele of the Ordos Liturgi

In recent times, the land has experienced a great deal of turbulence, following the collapse of the Papal empire that once dominated most of the continent. Squabbling and infighting after the assassination of Pope Pius XIII in the first season of 1298 led to the dissolution of the majority of Papal territory, aside from the core around Verona.

Anarchy reigned for several years, before minor dukedoms, once subservient to the Pope became autonomous. These realms were small, often only containing one large city, and several small towns and hamlets, but their diminutive stature allowed the ruler to keep better control of his populace and underlings, allowing for tighter administration, and better defense with a smaller force.

The greatest of these states surround the Lita bay, a crescent of prosperous coastline backing on to the remains of the Papal empire. Taking advantage of the massive infrastructure left behind by the Papacy, these states prospered by trading whatever commodity they could lay their hands on, from lumber to iron and steel from nearby mountains.

In the early years, competition over the fastest routes was fierce, often leading to the eruption of small wars between the states. These conflicts were often inconsequential, as the states were so evenly matched in size. Any attempt to draw a larger army would often leave the fields empty, and the nation would starve. Nowadays, things are much more settled, cooperation between the states leads to prosperity for all, but the occasional conflict arises over borders, or resources.

While idyllic, the dukedoms and baronies around the Lita bay are threatened by several outside forces. To the west, the remains of the Papal empire is stirring, a new Pope with ideas about expansion, regaining what was lost. To the east, across the water, the Elven Kingdoms are massing, their sea-borne raids becoming larger and more frequent. Many speculate that they wish to reclaim the land they lost in the first Crusade, over four centuries ago.

An ever-present threat are the marauding bands of Orcs that inhabit the low-lying forests that spread to the north of the coast, providing an impassible barrier to any trade attempting to reach the Norther Kingdoms at the base of the mountains. Combined with the constant irritation of the Barbary raiders in the southern shoals, the fortunes of all the states is threatened.

Authored by Novice Gautier of the Bloodied Rose.

The Knightly Orders are the remnants of an empire long fallen, the militant arm of the Holy Church that once covered the entire continent. When the Papacy collapsed, and the city states rose from the ashes, those knights who remained behind became captains of their own orders, shaping them by their goals and ideologies.

Today, these orders are an elite fighting force, some of the best trained troops in the human lands, a defense against marauding orcs and the ghostly gray ships of invading elves. Each city-state or dukedom maintains a chapter house, housing anything from twenty to a hundred knights, depending on the size of the city, and the wealth of it's patron. Smaller granges are scattered throughout the land, where initiates begin their training, and small groups of militia are housed.

Herein lies a list of all the knightly orders present in the Lita bay, and in the Norther kingdoms beyond the forest.


Date of Foundation: 1309
Founder: Knight-Commander Gregori Caecillus
Patron State: The Principality of Vela
Heraldry: A red cross emblazoned with a silver fist, on a black field.

The Mailed Fist is one of the oldest orders in the Lita basin, formed soon after the Papal collapse to safeguard the family of Duke Eduoard as rioters and disaffected citizens tore apart the Papal militia in an orgy of violence against the oppressive regime. When the dust had settled, Gregori and his score of followers took it upon themselves to protect the city of Vela and it's outlying settlements, restoring security and becoming one of the founding pillars of the Principality.

Formed as a shield to the Principality, the Mailed Fist serves to protect the borders of Vela, with granges dotted along the border. It often sends small bands of knights out with the caravans and trade-ships.

Date of Foundation: 1311
Founder: Chapter-Master Celio Marianus
Patron State: The Rosaire Dukedom
Heraldry: A quartered field of white and black, with a golden fleur de lis emblazoned on it.

The Veiled Maiden were the second order to be founded in the bay, by a group of papal knights who became separated from their company whilst escorting the daughter of one of the Papal dukes. Whilst attempting to return to their unit, the knights were attacked by an elvish war-party, who slaughtered most of the knights and stole away the Duke's daughter. The few survivors of the attack were taken in by Duke Rosaire, regaining their strength in the city of Barca. When they were recovered, they erected the chapter house, swearing vows of vengeance against elven-kind, and to Duke Rosaire, for saving them.

The Knights of the Veiled Maiden wander as they will, often taking ships to assault elven settlements across the sea. Often, they lend their strength to the Rosaire family, fighting in their wars and defending their holdings, till their debt of thanks is repaid.

Date of Foundation: 1312
Founder: Knight-Commander Danilo Numitor
Patron State: The Vilfredo Dukedom
Heraldry: A checkered black and red field, bearing a white rose.

The Bloodied Rose were formed from the personal guard of the first duke Vilfredo who led the first organized rebellion against the Papacy during the Scourging. After the battle of Carena, in which much of the duke's retinue was slaughtered by Papal knights, they retreated into the city, which was soon besieged. When the siege was lifted, they broke their ties to the Vilfredo dukedom, becoming an independent order within the confines of the city, carrying the ideals of liberty and freedom from the oppression of religion.

The Bloodied Rose work as adjudicators and enforcers of the law within the Vilfredo Dukedom, traveling in ones and twos, as judge, jury and executioner. The oath broken at the battle of Carena remains as such, and the Bloodied Rose are unlikely to assist in the defense of the realm, only protecting their granges and chapter houses.

Date of Foundation: 1314
Founder: Brother-Captain Raphael Cemal
Patron State: The Barony of Kudret
Heraldry: A quartered field of blue and white, bearing a rampant griffon in gold.

The Howling Griffons are the only knights in the Ordos Litae to be formed by the peasantry. It began life as a loose militia during the Scourging, winning several battles through use of the terrain and unchivalrous ambushes. Wearing plate armour stolen from the field of battle, they soon gained experience, becoming a force to be reckoned with against the Papal troops. After the scourging, they pledged their service to the newly formed Barony of Kudret, establishing a number of granges across the land.

The Griffons have no official chapter house, instead, the knights are constantly moving from place to place, keeping the borders safe from marauding orcs and providing training for local militia. Because of their humble origins, they are the largest of the Ordos Litae taking initiates of any background to serve in their order.


Date of Foundation: 1358
Founder: Knight-Captain Andor Presburg
Patron State: The Norther Kingdoms
Heraldry: A black field bearing a golden four-pointed star.

Date of Foundation: 1360
Founder: Knight-Captain
Patron State: The Norther Kingdoms
Heraldry: A midnight blue field bearing a blazing sun in orange.

Authored by Benigno Mathis of the Papal Inquisition




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