Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pay More Attention To Crime News : News & Society

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Boeing invites suppliers to conference on outsourcing to Mexico ...

Originally published October 25, 2012 at 9:04 PM | Page modified October 26, 2012 at 6:16 AM

Boeing is actively encouraging its suppliers to outsource work to Mexico.

Patrick McKenna, director of Supply Chain Strategy and Supplier Management at Boeing Commercial Airplanes, has urged suppliers to attend a Nov. 15 workshop in Chicago to learn how to do business in Mexico.

"Several of our suppliers have successfully set up factories in Mexico because of the numerous advantages that Mexico offers to aerospace suppliers," McKenna wrote in a letter dated Oct. 17. "Boeing will be sending several people to this event, and we wanted to inform our supply base of this opportunity."

The event's organizers will waive the $200 registration fees for Boeing suppliers, he said.

Boeing's invitation comes near the end of a presidential-election campaign in which the outsourcing of U.S. jobs is a hot issue.

President Obama has accused Republican contender Mitt Romney of investing in "pioneers of outsourcing" when he headed Bain Capital.

Romney has promised to reduce outsourcing by lowering corporate taxes and cutting business regulation to "make sure it's attractive to come to America again."

Tom Wroblewski, president of District 751 of the International Association of Machinists (IAM), reacted to the letter in political terms.

"We'd think that Boeing CEO Jim McNerney, as chairman of President Obama's council on exports, would be particularly sensitive to the importance of exporting American products, not jobs," said Wroblewski, via email. "We plan on talking to Boeing about this. We believe it is counterproductive to what we are trying to accomplish here."

Boeing spokesman Larry Wilson said "it's a matter of routine business" to keep the company's suppliers informed of opportunities to expand their capacity around the world.

American Industries Group, a private company that helps locate manufacturing operations in Mexico, is running the workshop.

It can build or lease facilities there for corporate clients and also offers administrative support including human resources, customs, accounting and environmental regulatory approval, according to workshop coordinator Myrna De Las Casas.

Helping hand

She said American Industries has helped more than 200 corporations get started in Mexico, "80 percent of them from the U.S."

Boeing started promoting the event just recently, she said, and she expects some to join the 18 companies already signed up.

De Las Casas said the Chicago workshop was formerly held twice a year but was discontinued in 2008 because of the global recession. Next month's event is the first since then.

Among the speakers is Mark Withrow, vice president and general manager of Weber Aircraft, a division of French conglomerate Zodiac Aerospace and maker of seats for the 787 Dreamliner and other Boeing jets.

The company's headquarters and main manufacturing plant is in Gainesville, Texas. It recently added an 80,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in Chihuahua, Mexico.

Zodiac separately owns aircraft-interior companies in Washington state, including C&D Zodiac in Marysville, HeathTecna in Bellingham and IDD Aerospace in Redmond.

Another featured speaker is Herminio Blanco, formerly a member of the Mexican government responsible for negotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

The workshop's website entices attendees with the promise that they will learn how to set up in Mexico and "how to start manufacturing in 45 days."

It lists as a major attraction the "affordable workforce" in Mexico, offering "up to 80 percent in labor-cost savings."

That has drawn Boeing suppliers to Mexico before now.

In February 2007, at a conference of the state aerospace suppliers organization ? the Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance ? one local supplier gave a workshop offering positive lessons from its experience in outsourcing work to Mexico.

Pros and cons

Jim Mullen, then vice president of engineering at Everett-based Tyee Aircraft, now AvtechTyee, told attendees how outsourcing could lower their costs and outlined the advantages and complications of sending work to Mexico.

The company supplies Boeing with aircraft tie rods ? the connecting rods that brace internal bulkheads, hold galleys or airplane lavatories in place, and anchor heavy stowbins.

Tyee outsourced to Mexico the production of the basic tie-rod tubes. Its workers in Everett finish and assemble the rods and also do the engineering design work.

Mullen argued, counter-intuitively, that his firm's outsourcing created additional work in Washington state.

He said the reduction in the cost of the parts through doing some of the lower-level work in Mexico gave Tyee a bigger slice of the business and so added more work in Everett rather than less.

Boeing's Wilson said the Chicago conference serves a similar purpose.

"Our purpose is to let our supply base know about opportunities around the world for expanding capacity and capability," he said. "It gives our supply-chain partners options about how to meet our ongoing needs."

Dominic Gates: 206-464-2963 or


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Best Practices for Search Theory and Keyword Research. 2 ...

Best Practices for Applying Search Theory

The basics of search are not difficult to understand; the principles have been the same ever since people started looking for information. By referring back to the fundamentals of search throughout your marketing, you keep your efforts aligned with the searcher, which can bring long-term success to your company.

  • PPC marketing was created and revolutionized in less than a decade. As the industry is ever-changing, those who can continuously evolve their marketing can find great success.
  • Search engines have transformed how people find their information. As more consumers use search engines as their starting point for finding information, more advertisers will find success with search marketing.
  • The search process starts with a question. That question is translated into words by the searcher. Therefore, keywords are individual thought processes.
  • Every time someone does an action, there is an expectation of results. Meeting these expectations with both ad copy and landing pages helps increase your PPC marketing returns.
  • Advertising is not advertising when it is information. When your ads help a searcher find the answer to their question, your CTR and conversion rates often increase.
  • On any search page there are three goals: the search engine?s goal, the searcher?s goal, and the advertiser?s goal. Align your goal with your potential customer?the searcher?and success usually follows.


Keywords are the foundation of a successful AdWords campaign. If you have a keyword that matches a searcher?s query, your ad could show. If you do not have a keyword that matches a searcher?s query, your ad will not show. It is pretty simple: If you decide not to use a certain keyword, your company will not be visible to those searchers.

Keywords are so paramount to an AdWords campaign that PPC advertising is frequently called?keyword?advertising or?keyword-driven?advertising.

Not all keywords are created equal. Some keywords will have high search volume, whereas others will have small search volume. Some will have high conversion rates, and others will provide low-quality traffic.

Choosing the correct keywords is the first step to advertising with Google AdWords.


Best Practices for Conducting Keyword Research

Keywords are the foundation of your AdWords account. If you do not have a keyword that matches to the search query, your ad will not be shown. Comprehensive keyword research is essential to maximizing your account?s exposure to potential customers.

  • Every keyword falls into a section of the buying funnel. Understanding where your keyword falls in the funnel is important to ensure you are reaching consumers at different stages of their buying behavior.
  • Keywords can be broken down into four major aspects: explicit, symptoms, problems, and product names or part numbers. Utilize each type of keyword to reach the maximum number of searchers.
  • Start keyword research with your site, your competitors? sites, the natural search results, internal site search, and the dictionary.
  • Make sure you know your own keywords. If your keywords describe one or more different products or ideas, use ad copy to tell the consumer which keyword variation is related to your company.
  • A good way to start expanding your keywords is to create keyword lists. By creating lists for both ad group and keyword organization, you can create larger, yet more focused, lists.
  • When starting long-tail keyword research, do not use deep keywords. Deep keywords describe only a single aspect of how someone searches. Instead, start with wide keywords, and when you find keywords that are converting, do deep keyword research on those particular keywords.
  • There are four different match types: broad, modified broad, phrase, and exact. Use a combination of these various match types based on your budget and marketing objectives.
  • Negative keywords stop your ads from showing. It is just as important to conduct negative keyword research as it is to find new positive keywords.
  • The search query report will show you what someone actually searched for that triggered your ad to show. Use this report to find new positive and negative keywords.

Keyword research can be time consuming, but it is necessary for maximum exposure. Many tools are available that will help you along in your keyword research efforts to help save you time and give you ideas you may have overlooked.


Using Long-Tail Keywords

Single-word keyword searches make up roughly 20 percent of the search volume in the United States. However, search queries that are five or more words in length make up nearly 20 percent of the search volume as well.

There are two main ways that marketers use the phrase ?long-tail keyword? when discussing keywords:
??? ?The first refers to keyword searches that are three or more words in length. Essentially, someone typing in three or more words in a search box is being specific in defining the information they are wishing to discover.
??? ?The second refers to keywords with low search volume. Instead of focusing on how many words are in the search query, these marketers consider long-tail keywords to have low search volume. In this instance, even a one-word keyword with low search volume would be a long-tail word.

Each year, the number of words used in search queries grows. As the general search population starts to search with more words, the popularity of two- and three-word keywords will grow as well.

Therefore, when considering the long tail, I favor applying it to search volume. The principle of the long tail is to aggregate infrequent data points. In searches, this would be keywords with low search volume.

There are several advantages to using long-tail keywords and incorporating them into your keyword lists:
??? ?There is often less competition on these search queries. It takes more keyword research and keyword creation discipline to have an encompassing keyword list. By expanding your keyword reach to these less frequently used search queries, you can often find gems that cost very little.
??? ?The much more important reason is that many long-tail search queries are more specific, and it is easier to match the user intent with both the proper ad copy and the proper landing page.

Keyword advertising is about choosing keywords and ad copy that can answer a user?s initial question. The closer you can associate the ad copy to the user intent, the higher the click-through rate. If you pair that ad copy with a landing page that also includes that same product or service, conversion rates are usually higher as well.
Utilizing the long tail for both ad group organization and keyword research will let you associate your marketing more closely with the user intent, which has benefits for both the searcher and the advertiser. The searcher finds the answer to their question, and the advertiser receives more conversions on their website.

McGovern celebrated as 'conscience for our nation'

Will Mead holds a tri-folded flag as he watches with family members the casket of his great grandfather, former Democratic U.S. senator and three-time presidential candidate George McGovern, being carried into the Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science in Sioux Falls, S.D., for the funeral service, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012. McGovern died Sunday in his native South Dakota at age 90. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)

Will Mead holds a tri-folded flag as he watches with family members the casket of his great grandfather, former Democratic U.S. senator and three-time presidential candidate George McGovern, being carried into the Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science in Sioux Falls, S.D., for the funeral service, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012. McGovern died Sunday in his native South Dakota at age 90. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)

Former U.S. Sen. Gary Hart speaks during funeral services for former Democratic U.S. Senator and three-time presidential candidate George McGovern at the Washington Pavilion of Arts and Sciences in Sioux Falls, S.D., Friday, Oct. 26, 2012. McGovern died Sunday Oct. 21, 2012, in his native South Dakota at age 90. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green, Pool)

Former U.S. Sen. Tom Daschle speaks during funeral services for former Democratic U.S. Senator and three-time presidential candidate George McGovern at the Washington Pavilion of Arts and Sciences in Sioux Falls, S.D., Friday, Oct. 26, 2012. McGovern died Sunday Oct. 21, 2012, in his native South Dakota at age 90. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green, Pool)

Rev. Robert Ruedebusch speaks during funeral services for former Democratic U.S. Senator and three-time presidential candidate George McGovern at the Washington Pavilion of Arts and Sciences in Sioux Falls, S.D., Friday, Oct. 26, 2012. McGovern died Sunday Oct. 21, 2012, in his native South Dakota at age 90. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green, Pool)

Former U.S. Vice President Walter Mondale, left, Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass, second right, and Sen. John Thune, D-S.D., right, chat before a funeral service for former Democratic U.S. Senator and three-time presidential candidate George McGovern at the Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science in Sioux Falls, S.D., Friday, Oct. 26, 2012. McGovern died Sunday in his native South Dakota at age 90. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik/pool)

(AP) ? George McGovern made history with his loss of the 1972 presidential election in a historic landslide, but he was praised Friday for galvanizing the Democratic party's liberal wing and inspiring a new generation to take up his causes.

At his funeral, friends and colleagues remembered McGovern as an early critic of the Vietnam War, a tireless fighter in the battle to feed the poor around the world, and a man who will continue to draw young people into public life.

"George McGovern's voice is not gone. It is simply waiting new voices, new consciences that have the courage of their conviction," said former Colorado Sen. Gary Hart, who was McGovern's campaign manager in 1972.

Hart was one of three former Democratic presidential candidates who paid personal respects Friday to McGovern, who died Sunday at age 90 after a brief stay in hospice care. Hart, Walter Mondale and John Kerry ? who like McGovern all spent time in the Senate before unsuccessful runs for the White House ? led a crowd of hundreds of mourners. Hart was the only one of the three to speak at the funeral.

"George McGovern was a voice of conscience for our nation in our time," Hart said. Those who were uncomfortable with McGovern called him a liberal as an insult to try to imply he was weak, Hart added, but "he was larger than any political label, particularly a demonized one."

In a sign of McGovern's stature in sparsely populated South Dakota, the service aired live on television in the state's largest city. As the final farewell to South Dakota's native son, the funeral was filled with tender reflections and humorous tales from McGovern's past. A bagpipe processional closed the service. A private burial for McGovern in Washington will be scheduled later.

Larry Fuller, a retired newspaper publisher from Sioux Falls who became friends with McGovern, said it was a fitting tribute for the man who served the state in Washington for two decades. McGovern left office in 1981 after a losing a campaign for a fourth Senate term.

"I think it's a wonderful opportunity for this state to recognize everything he did for South Dakota, something that didn't happen after his last election," Fuller said. "I can't think of any South Dakotans who had as positive and impact on history as George McGovern."

Even though he came up short in three tries for president, McGovern is revered on the left as someone who inspired a coterie of young Democrats who would go on to great things. Among his flock of campaign workers were future senators, a secretary of state in Hillary Clinton and a president in Bill Clinton.

The two days of ceremony were something of a reunion of ardent supporters. Old-timers sporting quarter-sized "McGovern" campaign buttons paused for group photos. Another man wore a button declaring: "I Want McGovernment."

Vice President Joe Biden spoke at a prayer service Thursday night. The dignitary list for Friday included Mondale, a former vice president who was the Democratic nominee in the 1984 presidential race that marked McGovern's last bid for public office. Kerry, a Massachusetts senator and the 2004 Democratic nominee, made the trip on short notice.

In a show of bipartisanship, South Dakota's GOP Gov. Dennis Daugaard, Sen. John Thune and Rep. Kristi Noem were there, too.

Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, a fellow South Dakota Democrat, held McGovern up as a model citizen who overcame hardship to lead a life of public service.

"I've never known anybody who preached the gospel more effectively in so many ways than George: a peacemaker, a humanitarian, a teacher, a minister, a congressman, a senator, a voice for the voiceless and a champion for hungry children," Daschle said.

Massachusetts Rep. Jim McGovern, who is not related to George McGovern, also spoke about the love McGovern had for his country.

Most in the audience were family, friends and admirers.

A few hours before the funeral, McGovern's family gathered to walk behind a hearse bringing the senator's flag-draped coffin the few blocks from a funeral home to the arts center for the service. One of McGovern's eight great-grandchildren held a crisply folded flag at the front of the processional.

Bill Walsh, of Deadwood, S.D., drove 400 miles to attend the funeral of a man he has known since growing up two blocks away from McGovern's home in Mitchell 60 years ago. Reflecting on the 1972 campaign, Walsh said his friend could have won the presidency if he had emphasized his record as a war hero.

His role as a military pilot who did bombing runs over Europe during World War II was a muted part of McGovern's biography. He returned with medals for valor, but was reluctant to mention that in a campaign setting, especially in the presidential race where he urged an immediate end to U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

He lost the 1972 election to Richard Nixon, who won all but one state. South Dakota even went Nixon's way. Soon after, Nixon resigned amid the Watergate scandal.

McGovern was also known for his advocacy for world nutrition, a cause he continued long after leaving public office. In 2008, he was awarded the World Food Prize along with former Republican Sen. Bob Dole, who had also faced defeat in a presidential race.

A testament to McGovern's crusade against hunger was in the lobby at the funeral: a basket brimming with dried food goods that will go to a needy family.

A program distributed at the memorial service had an image of a smiling McGovern in his twilight and bore a comment Pope John XXII made to McGovern when he was an emissary to Rome for John F. Kennedy's administration. It read: "When you meet your Maker and he asks, 'Have you fed the hungry, given drink to the thirsty, and cared for the lonely?' you can answer, 'Yes.'"


Associated Press writer Kristi Eaton and AP photographer Nati Harnik contributed.

Associated Press


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Psy Look-alikes Battle in 'Gangnam Style' Dance-Off [VIDEO]


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Romney raised $111.8 million in first half of October

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Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney greets diners at First Watch cafe, where he picked up some food, in Cincinnati, Ohio October 25, 2012. 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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Brunswick's 3Q net down 57 pct amid restructuring

LAKE FOREST, Ill. (AP) ? Boat and sporting-goods maker Brunswick Corp. posted a 57 percent drop in third-quarter earnings Thursday as large restructuring and other charges limited its gain.

The company said net earnings for the July-through-September period were $2 million, or 2 cents per share. That was down from $4.7 million, or 5 cents per share, a year earlier.

Revenue edged up 1 percent to $884.8 million from $876.7 million despite a 19 percent drop in sales in Europe.

Analysts polled by FactSet were expecting earnings of 2 cents per share on revenue of $936.7 million.

The results included $28.2 million of restructuring, exit and impairment charges, just over double the amount from a year ago, as the Lake Forest, Ill.-based continues to reshape itself to reflect weakened demand. Boat and boat part makers were hit particularly hard during the recession, when people cut back on big-ticket purchases.

The bright spot in the third quarter was the division containing its marine parts and accessories businesses, which posted an 11 percent increase in sales to $503.5 million.

The company's 18-brand boat group saw sales decline 7 percent to $205.8 million in the quarter.

Also reporting lower sales were its fitness equipment unit, down 3 percent, and bowling and billiards unit, down 6 percent.

"As we continue to execute our strategic growth initiatives, as well as focus on cost reductions and operating efficiencies throughout our organization, we expect to be able to demonstrate improved sales and operating earnings during the final quarter of the year as compared to 2011, resulting in strong full-year earnings growth," CEO Dustan McCoy said in a statement.

Brunswick shares increased $1.99, or 9.4 percent, to $23.23 in afternoon trading.


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How I Put an End to Compulsive Overeating - Healthy Girl's Kitchen

Hi everyone, it's so nice to "see" you here. I miss you all so much. It's very exciting when I have something to post. There's a rush of excitement for me.

I feel so lucky today! Why? Because we have a guest blogger. When Lani Muelrath found out that I was struggling with keeping up Healthy Girl's Kitchen posting along with my other responsibilities she quickly offered to do a guest post for us. She asked me the type of content that I was looking for, and of course, I asked one thing, "how did you overcome compulsive overeating?"

If you don't know Lani Muelrath from the Plant-based internet world, let me fill you in on her background. Lani is also known as The Plant-Based Fitness Expert (, and she specializes in helping people who struggle with weight and energy transform their bodies -and their lives - without going hungry or practicing grueling, excessive exercise. Lani is the author of Fit Quickies: 5 Minute Targeted, Body Shaping Workouts. Lani is the Fitness Adviser for the Dr. John McDougall Health and Medical Center Discussion Boards, as well as a presenter and celebrity coach for the 21-Day PCRM Vegan Kickstart and VegRun Programs and the Complete Health Improvement Project (CHIP). In addition, she is the Health and fitness expert for Vegan Mainstream and Plant-Based Fitness and Healthy Living Examiner at

Lani has been a Guest Lecturer in Kinesiology at San Francisco State University and is an Associate Professor in Kinesiology at Butte College. She has a Master's degree and several teaching credentials in Physical Education, and holds multiple fitness certifications including Fitness Instructor from the American Council on Exercise, Yoga, and Pilates-based instruction from the PhysicalMind Institute. She is certified in Plant-Based Nutrition through Cornell University and holds a Fitness Nutrition Specialist Advanced Credential from the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

Lani created and starred in her own CBS TV show, "Lani's All-Heart Aerobics." Recipient of the Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Instruction, and regularly speaks and writes about healthy living, plant-based nutrition, and fitness. She overcame her own lifetime struggle with weight over more than 15 years ago when she lost 50 pounds, which she has maintained easily with the tools that she uses to coach others to be successful with in weight loss, body shaping, and health. Multiple resources for you for healthy fitness, weight loss, and plant-based nutrition at

But back to my question, how did Lani overcome compulsive overeating?

The answers I got did not come as a total surprise (remember, I said total--there is one thing that really has me reeling), but they are a welcome reminder of all that is important to remember on this journey. And boy, do I always need reminding!

So here's how Lani answered my call:

For years I labored under the delusion (I"ll explain) that I was an 'emotional overeater'. I even fessed up to the statement: "I'm a compulsive overeater", hoping for a breakthrough.?

Still, the frustrating and excruciating experience of continuing to eat on an overfilled yet hungry stomach continued and the long term relief from it eluded me. And all the self-exploration and screams of supplication on my knees never made a difference until I got a few things straight.

To boil it down to the bones, the answer was found wrapped in three gifts. These I refer to in my practice as the 3 Pillars. The are a critical trio for healthy success. They are food, fitness, and the most often neglected third door, frame of mind.

In the event that you are up against the wall of compulsive overeating, maybe these lessons from my experience will give you insights and possibly the breakthrough that you are looking for. Even if you, like me, are happy, well-adjusted, have a good job, happy relationships - yet can't seem to get it together in this arena. "What's wrong with me?" you ask.

It's not a character flaw. And guilt just makes it worse (I'll explain that, too).

6 Steps to Ending Compulsive Overeating

Here are six pivotal points that turned my life around when it comes to food, eating, and my body.

1) Eat enough - in time. Don't dismiss this one quickly, even if you think you ARE eating enough and believe the problem is that you are eating too much. If you have a weight problem, it seems self-evident, doesn't it? That's how it seemed to me. Once I even put an overweight picture of myself on the refrigerator as visual proof to myself that "see, there's plenty of fuel on your body!" to help me through a fast to - you guessed it, lose weight. The idea was to discourage me from eating. Perhaps you've done something similar.

This set me on a mission to continually cut back, delay eating, or otherwise under eat. This is the worst thing I could have done to lose weight. Hunger presents a primary stress to your body. It threatens your very survival instinct, for nothing is as basic to our survival as getting the fuel needed to think, move, and be.

Let's say another stressor enters your day - you think? The toast burns, the traffic makes you late for work, you have a verbal scrimmage with your SO, the car runs low on gas and where is that gas station anyway?

Which of these stressors is 1) the easiest to relieve, and 2) the one your body will prioritize as needing relief? You guessed it. Satisfying the hunger. And instead of seeing the wisdom of our bodies, we blame ourselves for being weak, compulsive, 'emotional' overeaters.

Action item: Eat to satisfaction early in the day and watch the night munchies evaporate.

2) Eat a whole foods, low fat plant-based diet. This has to do with hunger satisfaction and satiety. Your body is designed to respond with appropriate fullness signals when presented with food it was designed to thrive on, and that means full of fiber and low on fat and as close as possible to how it was delivered in nature. Some people need to be more prudent about this than others - you need to discover your own niche for getting to your goals.

Action item: Edge out lower quality food with high fiber, low fat plant foods: vegetables, starchy vegetables, whole grains, beans, fruit.

3) Move your body. This means also not sitting too much. Not only because it burns calories, which it does, or because exercise shapes muscle, which it does. Activity also restores equilibrium and willpower, giving you more resources for sticking to your plant. See 5 minute willpower workout #1: Exercise, the closest thing to a willpower magic bullet.

Action item: Find small chunks of time throughout the day to move your body. Even if you are getting in your workouts, be mindful of the power even 2 - 5 minutes of moving your muscles to restore well-being and inner strength.

4) Meditate. Breathe and be. Cultivate some kind of practice or quiet time that has the simple objective of restoring mental and emotional equilibrium. This is huge with mindset mastery, and the one most often neglected leg of the 3 Pillars.

Action item: See 5 minute anti-anxiety paint and willpower workout: How to meditate in 5 simple steps.

5) Abstain from negative self-talk. Look back to #1 above, where I gave the example of a fat photo on the fridge. Somehow this was supposed to shame me into avoiding food - and it did, until I couldn't take it any more and it backfired in a binge. But what kind of a message is this to send yourself anyway? You cannot hate yourself to a better figure. And if you've been using the tight belt trick or the fat photo strategy yourself, something is going to need to shift out of the negative for you to be successful.

Action item: This one has many layers, but for starters, begin by making note of every time negative self-talk hijacks your inner world. Every time. It starts with awareness. From there, create positive alternatives to the negative messages.

6) Give up the guilt. Indulgence in feeling bad about 'breaking' your healthy eating plans compounds stress, driving us straight into the stress-relieving properties of - you guessed it - breaking your healthy eating plans with pleasure-promising foods. Ironic!

Action item: Instead, allow wiggle room for less-than-perfect.

I believe in the 3 Pillars so firmly, they are the heart of my book. Fit Quickies: 5 Minute Targeted Body Shaping Workouts sounds like a fitness book - and it is, but it is truly a?Trojan?horse of healthy success. For inside that horse is solid attention to practices of eating, activity, and mastery of mindset for success.

Once I got the 3 Pillars in place, things changed radically for me when it comes to food, eating, and my body. So much so that I haven't had a binge since 1996. And I lost 50 lbs for good. Have I sometimes had too much to eat? Maybe more mousse pie than I really needed? Certainly - that is normal. In contrast, random acts of overeating beyond fullness, repeatedly, is disturbed eating.

The good news is there is a way out. I've done it and have seen it done over and over again. Once you see the interconnectedness of eating, moving, and thinking, you can take action for change.

Was anything on Lani's list a surprise to you? What was it?

Personally, what kind of has me thinking was #1--Eat Enough--in time. I have spent so many years trying to eat less and feeling like such a pig in the process. Like right now, as I type this, I am feeling really hungry. There is a big empty pit feeling in my stomach. What would happen if I filled it, like, now? It's not time for a meal. Would filling that pit now help me to not overeat at night?

I don't know, but I'm certainly going to try it.

Thanks Lani!

If you would like to do a guest post for Healthy Girl's Kitchen, please contact me at Mostly what I am looking for is your struggles and success stories from Plant-based eating. Sharing a great recipe with the community wouldn't hurt either!


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Reading IS Important, So Start Your Own ... - Online Learning Tips

A common complaint with the non-writer?s in the student population is of course, writing. After that, students complain about how much they have to read. For the Cliff Notes readers out there, the higher you go in your education the more reading you?ll have to do; so it?s time to get used to it, and enjoy it!

How can you enjoy the act of reading, without falling asleep during? First of all you need to be an active reader. Take notes as you go along, conceptualize the content and create your own examples as it relates to the work you?re doing in class. Creating practical examples gets you more engaged in the topic, and encourages you to keep flipping the page.

Now think of the bigger picture. There are so many literary campaigns right now set on educating our youth, and even adults with learning disabilities. Even grassroots campaigns are making their way into the mainstream. For example, ?All Hallows Read? is the brain child of author Neil Gaiman. The program is simple, give out a scary age appropriate book to your trick-or-treaters instead of candy! Some books may be more expensive than candy, but you can always sift through the free books bin at your local used book store, or the bargain section of a major book retailer. It?s a fun way to encourage your neighbors to read more, and the best way to do that first is through topics in their area of interest.

Besides just treating your neighbors to books, you can start a book exchange where you work, or in your community. Clean out the books you?ve read and enjoyed, and share with others. If you have school books that are no longer relevant, or you don?t need as a reference share those with a local school. Teachers are always looking for new materials to gleam ideas for their curriculum. You can also share your favorite books through Facebook with friends. Just like restaurant reviews your friends and colleagues are looking for referrals, include a book review in the form of a typical Yelp review. Use your influence to encourage others to read. Being literate is a necessity, and reading doesn?t have to be a chore. If you love to read, tell others why. I believe there?s a book for everyone, you just have to push through some of the more tedious titles to get to your passion for reading.

By J. Mason
Online Learning Tips Editor

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ecuador worried by Assange health, seeks UK safe passage promise

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Ecuador is worried about the health of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and has asked Britain to guarantee him safe passage from its London embassy to a hospital if he needs medical treatment, a senior Ecuadorean diplomat said in Moscow.

"Assange has grown noticeably thinner, and we are very concerned about his health," Voice of Russia radio quoted Vice Foreign Minister Marco Albuja Martinez as saying in comments confirmed by the Ecuadorean embassy in Moscow.

"If he falls ill we will have to choose between two alternatives: to treat Assange in the embassy or hospitalize him," Albuja Martinez said on Tuesday. "This is a very serious situation and it can affect Assange's human rights."

Britain's Foreign Office said it had no immediate comment on the remarks.

Assange, whose whistleblowing website angered the United States by releasing thousands of U.S. diplomatic cables, was arrested in December 2010 on an extradition warrant from Sweden where he is wanted for questioning over allegations of rape and sexual assault made by two women.

He denies wrongdoing and says he fears that if he is extradited to Sweden he could be transferred to the United States where he could face criminal charges punishable by death.

The 41-year-old Australian broke the conditions of his bail when he entered the Ecuadorean embassy in London in June shortly after running out of legal options to avoid being sent to Sweden. He was later granted diplomatic asylum by Ecuador, remains at the embassy and would risk arrest if he leaves.

Ecuador has asked the British Foreign Office for a document that would enable Assange to enter hospital safely if necessary and return to the embassy with refugee status, the Voice of Russia quoted Albuja Martinez as saying.

"Britain has not yet given assent to this request, but is considering its decision," he said.

Ecuador was pleased that Britain "did not reject it outright", he was quoted as saying of the request. "We will not put pressure on them and will patiently await an answer, so that Assange can receive medical treatment if necessary."

(Writing by Steve Gutterman; editing by Robert Woodward)


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Samsung sees 10 percent growth in PC sales

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) ? Samsung Electronics Co. said Wednesday it expects 10 percent growth in PC sales by volume this year as it bets on new PCs that are hybrids of laptops and tablets to lift sluggish PC demand.

Samsung's PC team chief said the company hopes the ATIV series of laptops and tablets, which are powered by a new version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, would help lift its sales at a difficult time for the PC industry.

"We expect a 10 percent annual growth by volume and 25 percent growth by sales this year as we increase shipments and introduce premium products," Samsung's Executive Vice President Nam Seong-woo said at a media briefing.

Samsung is among the many global PC makers hoping that Windows 8 will help them lure back consumers who have flocked to smartphones and tablets.

Research firms have scaled back their forecasts for annual PC sales because of the weak global economy, which is pressuring corporate spending, and heightened competition from makers of smartphones and tablet PCs. IHS iSuppli said worldwide PC shipments will post the first decline in 11 years in 2012.

In addition to other Windows 8 products by Lenovo, Hewlett-Packard and Sony, Samsung's ATIV series also faces competition from Samsung's own Galaxy series of smartphones and tablets that fueled Samsung's rise as the world's top-selling manufacturer of mobile devices.

Samsung tried to remain upbeat about the PC market.

"Some say it is the post-PC era. But it is the new era for PCs that is emerging," Nam said. "Smart PCs should be seen as one of the mobile devices."

Powered by Windows 8, the ATIV Smart PCs support touch-based features such as tapping and swiping the 11.6-inch screen to start programs. It comes with a detachable keyboard and Samsung added a digital pen and note-taking software to attract tablet PC buyers.

Samsung is starting sales of the ATIV Smart PCs later this week when other Windows 8 devices will go on sale globally.


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What Exactly Is Freedom of Speech and How Does It Apply to the Internet?

What Exactly Is Freedom of Speech and How Does It Apply to the Internet?Dear Lifehacker,
There are a lot of people talking about freedom of speech on the internet these days. Some sites say they stand for free speech, but does the first amendment apply to them? Where exactly am I free to speak my mind?


Dear Soapboxer,
The truth is, what your freedom of speech is and where it applies is actually very simple, but our understanding of it has been distorted, mostly because people use "free speech" as a weapon where it doesn't apply, and often as a shield to hide behind when they're being criticized. Even so, free speech has never been a more valuable right, especially on the internet, where governments, companies, and individuals all try to control their image and what people say about them. I'm no constitutional lawyer, but there are plenty of ways to exercise your speech freely online. First, let's brush up on our US civics, shall we?

What the First Amendment Really Says

What Exactly Is Freedom of Speech and How Does It Apply to the Internet?

The first amendment to the Constitution says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

This amendment (and all of the other amendments to the Constitution) were added because the Constitution itself, according to its drafters (and the states, which had to ratify it), didn't offer enough protections for the civil liberties from the powers of government. This is very important: freedom of speech, along with the other freedoms in the first amendment, are designed to protect the liberties of the populace against an oppressive government that would seek to squash those rights in its own self-interest. Photo by Brent Payne.

Private entities and private spaces, however, are largely not required to protect your speech, and the first amendment does not protect what you say?only your right to speak. This means that you can say what you choose, but the nature of free speech is that others are free to say what they choose as well, even if it means disagreeing with you or mounting a campaign of people to respond to you. Keep these points in mind as we discuss how your freedom of speech plays out on the internet.

Free Speech and Censorship on the Internet

What Exactly Is Freedom of Speech and How Does It Apply to the Internet? Earlier in our nation's history, most towns and cities had a "public square" at the heart of a community where people could meet, discuss, and hear the news and issues of the day. It was usually the place where officials made proclamations, candidates spoke and stumped for votes (directly analogous to today's "town hall" meetings), and in general where the people could gather and speak freely. Those public squares have all but disappeared, and while there are still town halls and other public spaces for speech, the true heart of most communities today are private places of commerce or entertainment (malls, stores, stadiums.) Photo by BLMOregon.

Today, most of us turn to the internet because the tools are free and available: Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, newspapers, blogs with comment sections, forums, they all offer one-click methods for us to speak our minds. However, when you leave a comment on a company's Facebook page, post to a Reddit thread, or tweet your grievances, you're speaking in privately owned spaces. This means you should have no expectation that your speech is somehow protected beyond that service's terms of use. That said, when it comes to freedom of speech on the internet, there are two truths that are almost universal:

  • Most spaces on the internet are privately owned, and have no obligation to allow you to speak freely in their space. Whether it's Facebook removing content that violates its own terms of service, a blog owner deleting a comment they find offensive, or a big company deleting user posts from its Facebook page, your speech may be censored, but you have no first amendment right to free speech in those places. This includes our discussions on Lifehacker?we've always held our community up to high standards, and if you start a discussion we find isn't up to those standards, we reserve our right to dismiss it.
  • Most companies know it's in their own best interest to allow you to speak freely on their platforms. When you hear any company say "we support/stand for freedom of speech," what they really mean is that by honoring your freedom of speech, they know they can successfully build a community, attract users, attract views, attract advertisers, and make money. They may truly value free speech, don't get us wrong, and most companies know that success means taking the bad with the good, but that doesn't make it your right. They just know it's in their best interest to say they value it, and act accordingly.

What Exactly Is Freedom of Speech and How Does It Apply to the Internet? While "censorship" can apply to any type of speech suppression, censorship in the context of "free speech" is generally reserved for speech that's suppressed by government or state actors. A company deleting your post on their Facebook page about how their product was a waste of your money, even if you think the post was relevant or witty, is not state suppression of your speech. It may be censorship, but your freedom of speech has not been violated. Photo by Newtown Grafitti.

Remember this when you speak on the internet. While Reddit or Twitter may feel like the new "public square," they aren't. This means your speech is not constitutionally protected unless specified in the terms of use for that service, and those can change at the whim of the service or platform provider. Plus, governments know that they can lean on companies to change their rules (see SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA) and restrict private speech as well (see Twitter working with local governments to censor objectionable material,) regardless of whether they can do it in public. All isn't lost though?some speech is protected, and there are places where you can say what you choose.

What Speech on the Internet Is Protected?

What Exactly Is Freedom of Speech and How Does It Apply to the Internet? That's a difficult question. Legal challenges abound on this topic, many of which attempt to define what's protected in an era the line between public and private is blurred and the vast majority of people treat the internet like a public space. For example, some argue that clicking "like" is protected speech because of its public nature, and others argue that your tweets and blog posts are protected speech. To date, most courts have come down on the side of "use a private service, you're subject to their rules and moderation, but government cannot interfere with your private speech and individuals cannot silence your speech just because they dislike it." Photo by Thomas Angermann.

Remember when we noted that freedom of speech doesn't stop others from speaking out against you? This point is important too: too often on the internet "freedom of speech" is used as a defense mechanism to deflect criticism, when in reality it was framed in order to promote self-policing and self-criticism of communities and governments by the people. In short, freedom of speech means everyone gets to speak publicly, whether they agree or disagree with you. If you speak your mind (in a public space) and find a group of people shouting back at you, your rights aren't being trampled, you're just unpopular?and all of you have the right to speak.

Where Can I Speak Freely?

What Exactly Is Freedom of Speech and How Does It Apply to the Internet? So where can you speak freely if you find your opinions are no longer welcome on a company's Facebook page, or if you've been banned from commenting on a blog? You can set up your own space to speak?as in start your own blog and invite people to come and participate in a truly free discussion with you, or start your own Facebook page where you air your grievances with the company that won't respond to you anymore. Again, because these are actually private spaces, your speech is only as protected as your service provider's whim. If you start a free blog at Wordpress or Tumblr, you have to stay inside the lines of acceptable use. If you start a Facebook page, you have to adhere to Facebook's TOS. Make sure to read them carefully.

Your best bet is to get a decent web host and host your own blog where you can say what you like. When you host your own speech, you're now the party with the terms?you can be as lenient or restrictive as you choose. You may not have the audience you wanted (that Facebook page's subscribers or forum's readers), but free speech protects your right to speak?it doesn't force others to listen. You're still subject to your hosting company's TOS, and it's still a semi-private space, but it's the closest you can get to public on the internet, and most hosting companies don't care what you say as long as it doesn't get them into legal trouble.

Good luck, and good luck speaking your mind!


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Title photo made using kstudija (Shutterstock).


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Weeknight Recipe: Easy Pasta Bake with Prosciutto, Tomato Sauce ...

2012-10-22-PastaBakeED-1.jpgI've had "pasta bake" on my list of recipes to make since the very beginning of my culinary journey. So what has been stopping me after all these years? I'm not really sure! Perhaps I was still in search of the "ultimate" version or a super-chefy secret ingredient. But a few weeks ago I found myself strapped for time with a barren cupboard, and friends already on their way over for dinner. And this amazing five ingredient casserole was born.


I usually keep a variety of dried pastas on hand, but for some reason shells were all I could find in the depths of the pantry. An abundance of end-of-season heirloom tomatoes sat helpless on the counter, so I whipped up Marcella's famous sauce. Leftover mozzarella and prosciutto stared at me from the cheese drawer, the last ingredients remaining from pizza week. I threw them together in a casserole dish and apologized to my buddies in advance for the lack of culinary adventure. Then I added an arugula salad to add to the excitement.

Except that, for once, this hodgepodge pasta dish was anything but boring. In fact, it was exceptional; we all agreed that it should be in regular weeknight rotation. I tested the recipe again for my parents last night, just to make sure my hunger didn't get the best of me the first time around. My dad declared it the BEST pasta dish he'd ever eaten. Well, I don't know about all that?pear tortellini in Italy will always win out for me?but who am I to question my father?


Easy Pasta Bake

Serves 6 - 8

1 (16 ounce) package pasta shells, or similar shape
4 ounces prosciutto or pancetta
3 cups good-quality tomato sauce, I prefer this or Rao's
1 (8 ounce) ball fresh mozzarella, chopped or pulled into bite-size pieces
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 350?F. Grease a large baking or casserole dish.

Bring a large pot of generously salted water to a boil and cook shells until al dente. Strain, reserving a cup of pasta water, and return the noodles to the pot.

Meanwhile, saut? the proscuitto in a skillet over medium-high heat until crisp and golden brown. Let cool and crumble into small pieces.

Stir the prosciutto, tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, and 1 1/2 cups of the shredded mozzarella into the cooked noodles. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour into prepared baking dish and top with the remaining shredded mozzarella and Parmesan. Bake, uncovered, for 30 minutes, or until bubbling and light golden brown. Serve with garlic bread and a big green salad.

To reheat, cut the casserole into large squares. Pour about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of leftover pasta water into the seams and around the edges. (This allows moisture to steam the casserole instead of drying it out. The slices will "cook" themselves back together and the water will evaporate.) Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 350?F until hot and bubbly.


Related: Recipe: Chicken and Swiss Chard Pasta Bake

(Images: Nealey Dozier)


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Give an artist the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, and he makes magic with the S Pen

The artist is Gérémy Arène. His tools are the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 with the S Pen, and the Sketchbook Mobile app. The result is amazing. 

I tried to say it before when we first saw the Galaxy Note 10.1. These are more than Android phones or tablets. The S Pen and Wacom digitizer makes them a real appliance. Gérémy says it better in this 10-minute video than I ever could.

Source: PhonAndroid (French); via +Cory Teague


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