Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oil cos ask consumers not to panic over subsidised LPG

Chennai, Oct 15 : The Oil Marketing Companies today said LPG consumers need not panic in the wake of the Centre announcing a cap on subsidized cylinders. State Level Co-ordinator for Oil Industry for Tamil Nadu and Pondy and Executive Director, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Tamil Nadu State Office, V K Jayachandran in a statement here said from April one 2013, LPG consumers could avail six domestic subsidized LPG refill cylinders per fiscal.

There would be no restriction on the number of domestic non-subsidised cylinders that consumers could avail, beyond the six subsidized cylinders to meet their genuine demand. He said consumers were requested to ensure that they possess the Domestic Gas Consumer Card (DGCC) booklet with a serial number and consumer number entered by the distributor. 'If any consumer has lost or misplaced the DGCC booklet or does not have the DGCC booklet or has a DGCC booklet without a Serial Number/consumer number, they must get in touch with their distributor and obtain a new booklet, duly stamped and signed by the distributor, after paying applicable charges', he said. The serial number of the DGCC book must be entered by the distributor in his system.Mr Jayachandran said consumers must produce the DGCC booklet to the delivery boy while receiving the refill cylinder. The delivery boy would in turn enter the details of delivery and sign on the booklet. Consumers must check the entry and sign the DGCC book. They must also sign the copy of the cash memo as acknowledgement of receipt of the refill cylinder and handover the same to the delivery man. The cash memo would indicate the number of subsidised cylinder being delivered against entitlement. He said for Reticulated LPG Consumers (Piped LPG) the number of cylinders to be supplied at subsidised rates to the Housing Society would be limited to the net entitled quantity based on individual consumption but not more than three cylinders of 14.2 kg till March 2013 and not more than six cylinders per annum from April one, 2013. The entitlement would be fixed based on the number of flats occupied at the beginning of the capping year. Consumers using reticulated system would not be allowed to hold individual LPG connections. The housing society having reticulated system should provide to the concerned distributor, the list of residents along with individual POI, POA, KYC and standard declaration in the form of an affidavit that they do not have any domestic LPG connection in the said flat and household duly vetted by the housing society. Mr Jayachandran said the Oil Marketing Companies have also undertaken the Know Your Customer (KYC) exercise in a phased manner starting with the consumers identified as having multiple connections. Consumers were requested to co-operate in completing this exercise quickly so that they were not inconvenienced in future.

He said new connections would be released after receipt of completed KYC forms and multiple connection check by OMCs. "Those who are desirous of availing new LPG connections are also requested to submit the details in the KYC format along with an Identity and Address proof. He said the OMCs have also confirmed sufficient availability of domestic subsidised, domestic non-subsidised, non-domestic exempted and non-domestic commercial LPG cylinders to meet the requirements during the ensuing festive season.

- Agencies

Oct 15, 2012

* Do not use semicolon(;)

Source: http://news.chennaionline.com/newsitem.aspx?NEWSID=2b089fe6-4d05-4f22-84fb-a2df1b51c82b&CATEGORYNAME=CHN

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