Monday, December 3, 2012

Krakow considers co-hosting the Winter Olympic in 2022 with Slovakia

Krakow considers co-hosting the Winter Olympic in 2022 with Slovakia

?Yesterday, 04:10 ? ? #
When I first got wind of it I must admit to an immediate sense of incredulity. "Really?"
The recently-concluded European football championships is one thing BUT THE OLYMPICS? In Krak?w?
I dunno.
Can Poland pull this one off?
Where do you get the funding for something like this?
Hotels and sports venues will need to be built.
With so much that needs yet to be done in Poland, will the people go along?
It's an exciting idea. You've gotta give it to the Poles for thinking big.
Would they even stand a chance of being chosen?
xzqbq7? Threads: 2
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??? ?Yesterday, 07:53 ? ? #
I think they should go for it! They can pull it off without any problems.
Finally build a freeway to Zakopane. There is plenty of hotels in Krakow already, they can also use Student Miasteczko.
People will go along, Poles like to party!!!
Grzegorz_? Threads: 90
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??? ?Yesterday, 12:58 ? ? #


The recently-concluded European football championships is one thing BUT THE OLYMPICS? In Krak?w?

Winter Olympics are much smaller event than summer ones.

Marysienka? Threads: -
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??? ?Yesterday, 13:48 ? ? #,35798,12936865,Polsko_slowackie_igrzy ska_zimowe__Co_trzeba_wybudowac_.html - in polish (what needs to be build)

Zakopane tried for 2006 Winter Olympics and Turin won.

Village- we could use Miasreczko studenckie , and build some apartments that would be sold after the event.
New cross-coutry skiing paths, that are planned but there alvays were not enough money,
Biathlon- we would need to renew one route
Snowboard- we use Jurgowo, 20 km from zakopane, new
Alpine skiing and freestyle - Thos would have to take place in Slovakia
Hockey - either Sosnowiec/ Katowice or in Slovakia
Figura skating and short track - stadium would be finished by 2014
skating- we would have to build this
curling - stadium for this is going to be build near AWF ( even without Olimpics)
sleighs - most expensive and would have to be build

?Yesterday, 16:26 ? ? #


Village- we could use Miasreczko studenckie , and build some apartments that would be sold after the event.
New cross-coutry skiing paths, that are planned but there alvays were not enough money,
Biathlon- we would need to renew one route
Snowboard- we use Jurgowo, 20 km from zakopane, new
Alpine skiing and freestyle - Thos would have to take place in Slovakia
Hockey - either Sosnowiec/ Katowice or in Slovakia
Figura skating and short track - stadium would be finished by 2014
skating- we would have to build this
curling - stadium for this is going to be build near AWF ( even without Olimpics)
sleighs - most expensive and would have to be build
I completely forgot about all those existing resources like the student dorms.
Maybe it makes sense
jon357? Threads: 6
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????? ?Yesterday, 18:10 ? ? #
They should go for it. Even better, hold it in the Beskidy Slaskie.
Warszawette? Threads: -
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??? ?Yesterday, 18:49 ? ? #
Hi! Please let's be serious: the other candidates are Munich, Barcelona, Nice, Oslo and Saint-Moritz (+ Brazow and Lviv) so ....;) The olympic authorities need more than ... students' dorms in Krakow ;). In the western cities applying, infrastructures are top and far much better and usually already existing. The mountains are higher (Alps and Pyrenees in the case of Barcelona) and quality snow is garanteed.
I know one can dream but let's be realistic: Krakow has very little chance.
Marysienka? Threads: -
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??? ?Yesterday, 18:58 ? ? #
Are we talking about chances? I don't think anybody actually believes we could win. Just as nobody believed about 2006 , or about Euro 2012 ;)
?Yesterday, 19:35 ? ? #


I don't think anybody actually believes we could win
forgive me, then why even try? Why go through all of this if it's only a pipe dream?
Richfilth? Threads: 8
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??? Edited by: Richfilth ?Yesterday, 19:37 ? ? #
To judge a city's chances based on the quality of its existing infrastructure is to miss the point of the Olympics. Only very rarely do these big sports competitions take place in already-prepared areas; they're given to countries that the Committee have decided need to improve their infrastructure in order to improve their sport. Poland and Ukraine were given Euro 2012 for exactly that reason; their existing sports infrastructure was terrible.

Using the same logic, Poland/Slovakia stand a very high chance of being awarded the Winter Olympics, but it would mean creating easy transport crossing across the mountains. At the moment, it's more than 2 hours to travel the 50km between Zakopane and Chopok, and that's in normal traffic not Olympic traffic, and therefore these two countries have no chance.

peterweg? Threads: 48
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??? ?Yesterday, 23:03 ? ? #


and quality snow is garanteed.

Sorry, thats not true. Even the alps have a shortage of snow some years.

Marysienka? Threads: -
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??? ?Yesterday, 23:08 ? ? #


forgive me, then why even try?
We are Poles. If we win something we call it miracle ;P. It doesn't mean we stop trying. And we did host Euro 2012.
Grzegorz_? Threads: 90
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I can't find it now but once I saw statistics on major sport tournaments (avg number of fans, infrastructure requirements etc.) and Winter Olympics were far behind Summer or World Cup, more or less on pair with Euro... so I don't see a reason why we wouldn't make it... on the other hand there are controversies over benefits for the host country in case of such events... Personally I think Winter Olympics 2022 in Poland are not a bad idea... Some people are also talking about Summer Olympics in Warsaw 2024... I would have serious doubts in this case...


I can't find it now but once I saw statistics on major sport tournaments (avg number of fans, infrastructure requirements etc.) and Winter Olympics were far behind Summer or World Cup, more or less on pair with Euro... so I don't see a reason why we wouldn't make it...

[quote=Richfilth]To judge a city's chances based on the quality of its existing infrastructure is to miss the point of the Olympics. Only very rarely do these big sports competitions take place in already-prepared areas; they're given to countries that the Committee have decided need to improve their infrastructure in order to improve their sport. Poland and Ukraine were given Euro 2012 for exactly that reason; their existing sports infrastructure was terrible.

Using the same logic, Poland/Slovakia stand a very high chance of being awarded the Winter Olympics, but it would mean creating easy transport crossing across the mountains. At the moment, it's more than 2 hours to travel the 50km between Zakopane and Chopok, and that's in normal traffic not Olympic traffic, and therefore these two countries have no chance.

How valid is Richfilth's point regarding mountain traffic?

berni23? Threads: 6
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??? Edited by: berni23 ?Today, 04:18 ? ? #
I have no idea how he comes up with Chopok, it will rather be Banska Bystrica or Poprad.
Which doesnt change the fact that the road(are there even multiple? ;) ) is terrible up there.
And it would be an excellent opportunity to establish some decent links between the countries.

Random: Does anyone know the average wage of a taxi driver in Warsaw?

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