Saturday, June 22, 2013

Alicia Fox presents: The Do's and Don'ts of a first date

So you?ve got a first date with that cute lady you?ve been crushing on the last few weeks ? but you can?t figure out what to wear for your big night out. What to do?

Have no fear, Alicia Fox is here. The same Diva who taught you the pratfalls of online dating is back with another classic how-to from WWE Magazine with all the first-date dressing tips you?ll need, with a little Long Island Iced-Z to boot. First, we?ll start with the don?ts. Take it away, Alicia and Zack!

JUST TAKE CARE ? : ?Scruffy hair is OK, but the fresh-out-of-bed look is just plain lazy. If you?re not going to put any effort into your hair, you might as well shave your head bald. At least it would look cleaner.?

LOOK THE PART, BE THE PART: ?Dating attire is definitely ?dress to impress,? and hoodies are too casual. You don?t have to wear a blazer ? though that look is totally hot ? but aim higher.?

T-SHIRT TIME: ?Loud, graphic T-shirts like this are supertrendy? and right now, the trend is out. I would never recommend wearing this, unless you?re going to the gym. This is not a date shirt.?

SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT: ?Wearing an oversized T-shirt with oversized pants throws your outfit?s proportions off. Rock what you got! If you have a great body, like Zack, show it off by wearing something a little tighter.?

IN THE ?MONEY: ?I won?t lie. The wallet chain isn?t terrible, but it brings me back to the ?90s ? and I don?t want to go there ever again. The right accessory is key, and this isn?t it.?

SOMEBODY CALL MY MOMMA: ?Baggy jeans make me want to whip out the Mom card and shout, ?Pull your pants up, boy!? Don?t make me act like your mother. Neither of us will enjoy it.?

SHOE-IN FOR DISASTER: ?Running sneakers are never OK to wear on a first date ? unless you?re taking me to a skate park or sporting event, which, for the record, is also unacceptable.?

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