Saturday, March 2, 2013

As First Year Of Health Insurance Mandate Nears - Hartford Courant

Thousands of Connecticut residents will have a shock this summer when they see the prices for 2014 medical coverage that they're counting on buying through the newly formed state health insurance exchange.

You might have thought that even though prices are expected to rise sharply across the nation in the state exchanges ? which are part of health care reform ? Connecticut buyers will get off easy. After all, this state already has many of the coverage mandates driving up rates elsewhere.

Wrong. If you're an individual or a small business hoping to benefit from the public exchange, which launched a user-friendly web site and took the name Access Health CT this month, you'll find prices significantly higher than rates for 2013, experts say.

How much higher? No one can say for sure as the plans shape up. Ovation Benefits in Farmington predicts that Connecticut rates for small business group plans will be 20 percent to 25 percent higher than this year's rates, compared with a jump averaging 35 percent across the nation, said Brian Driscoll, the firm's chief operating officer.

Individual plans, already thousands of dollars per year, could double in price from this year across the nation, Ovation predicts ? and the company will not make a guess for Connecticut.

Ovation and West Hartford-based BlumShapiro have combined forces to prepare clients for the new rules, but people are only now waking up to the reality of health reform math ? ugly numbers caused by new rules, new fees and old pressures on medical costs.

"We've been pretty much telling people for the last couple of years that this was coming," said Andrew Lattimer, a partner at BlumShapiro, an accounting, management and tax consultancy. "Come summertime it's going to get a lot more traction."

And although there is disagreement about many aspects of health reform, on this issue, everyone sees the same result: higher prices in Connecticut. At least five companies are expected to compete ? Aetna, UnitedHealthCare, ConnectiCare, Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield and two new entrants, Healthy CT, a non-profit group of providers, and Harvard Pilgrim. Cigna offers plans in the state but has indicated it will not participate in the exchange.

Price hikes will be especially steep for people in their 20s and 30s who need health coverage to comply with Obamacare, but who don't get it through their employers, Driscoll said. That's because the current Connecticut rule allows insurers to charge six times more for the oldest people than for the youngest, who are typically healthier ? and the new rules let companies charge just three times more for the oldest people.

"We're going to see price differences play out measurably, significantly for the younger population," Driscoll said.

The health exchanges are online marketplaces designed to make it easy for businesses and individuals to compare prices and buy coverage in standardized health plans, which will come in four types: bronze, silver, gold and platinum. Although exchanges in some places will actually buy coverage and resell it to customers, potentially keeping price increases down, Access Health CT is not doing that, at least in 2014.

The agency has not estimated prices for 2014 plans.

"There are just guesses all over the place, from 10 to 20 percent all the way to 100 percent," said Access Health CT spokesman Jason Madrak. "It's still too early to know where we're going to land."

But he added, "There will definitely be increases."

Buyers who qualify will get subsidies for insurance bought through the exchange. Low-income households at 138 percent of the poverty rate ? about $25,000 for a family of three ? will pay no more than 2 percent of their income for insurance, and families up to 4 times the poverty rate, or $72,000 for three people, will pay no more than 9 percent.

Small businesses that employ lower-wage people will receive tax credits as a subsidy.

But those plans may only cover 60 percent of medical costs, on average. Richer plans will cost more. and, of course, the subsidies are paid for by taxpayers and insurance buyers through taxes and fees.

Insurers, who will file rates with the state Insurance Department later this year, have not given specific numbers but have been warning for years that the rules of the health reform act, which was adopted by Congress and signed by President Obama in March, 2010, will mean significantly higher rates.

That could undercut what is arguably the main point of the whole health reform ? dramatically reducing the number of uninsured Americans from an estimated 47 million people. Although the law says everyone must be insured by 2014, the penalty is just $95 in the first year, rising to $695 by 2016, leading to fears that many healthy people will swallow the penalty rather than buying higher-priced coverage.

That would mean the risk pools would not benefit as much from healthy people who use scant medical coverage, which, would create yet more upward pressure on rates.


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