Friday, February 3, 2012

Focus on the Family Community: Parents of Teens: Step daughter ...



???? I'm at my wit's end in trying to get my 14yo step daughter to control herself. On Sunday after coming home from a sleep over, she started to act out and it got to the point we had to start giving her punishments. She just flew off the handle, being verbally abusive to everyone in the house, taunting her younger sister, slamming doors and destroying property. We took her iPod and Laptop. That night we had a discussion to try to resolve the cause for her misbehavior. I would say it wasn't very productive. It turned into a blame game and nothing good was said about anything. She asked how long we are going to keep the Laptop and iPod, we told here we can't say right now because we want the emotions of the day to go away before deciding on the punishments. She stormed off to bed and kept it going. The sisters had to be separated.


???? This behavior continued to Monday. She was screaming at everyone and slamming doors. It got to a point where our baby was being startled by the slamming doors and screaming. So, I removed the doors. She then talked to her Bio dad, and got calm to the point where they went to bed. Tuesday and Wednesday were the same.


???? Her behavior is starting to negatively affect our family. My wife (Mom) doesn't know what to do other than sending her to Aspen Achievement Academy with a 40k price tag. We even aren't making it to the end of the month paying our basic bills. The 14yo has a pending Domestic Violence charge and got put into a mediation program in lieu of moving forward with the charges with hopes to work it out. I'm getting to the point of she is going to have to get under control or be put out of the home.


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