Wednesday, February 22, 2012

why did my 7year son old get cancer at such aa young age ...

i live in the south san diego area . my question is can a child get lymphoma leukemia cancer from mold and asbestos . on october of 2007 me and my three kids moved into a home at that time i was living with my sister and i needed to hurry up and move out so thats the reason why i excepted to live in this old home i don?t know much about detecting mold and stuff like that . on about may of 2008 my kitchen sink got clog so the landlord send a specialist who was a plumer, to fix it well this guy informed me to have the landlord replace the cabinets because they are really old and moldy and it can cause serious health problems especially to young children. he also said he knows the landlord and he is very cheap and that the house was very old and the landlord has not fix or done anything new to the house i need to keep asking him to change the cabinets so i did tell the landlord he ignored it .he said he doe!
s?nt have the money to replace the kitchen cabinets .they were in real bad condition the wood was peeling off they didn?t have smooth covers to cover up the wood the wood was so nasty and old from like 1960 also the water was always smelly and the fence in the back yard was old . i didn?t move out i keept on consistantly telling the landlord he ignored me . finally i refuse to pay rent on april, 2009 i couldn?t take it no more my son was always feeling sick he stopped going to school due to headaches and body aches the doctor send us home saying its just a cold until he couln?t walk anymore he would wake me up in the middle of the night screaming that his legs hurt like if they were on fire . we moved out on 05- 30- 2009 my son was always in the hospital because he coulnt walk from being active always running and riding his scooter .he ended up on a wheel chair still all the specialist in childrens hospital didnt know what my son had on nov 2009 one of the doctors sen!
d us home saying my son was just faking about walking they send him to
a physical therapy were he yelled and cry every time he tried to walk finally they decide to do an MRI on 12-2009 my son was diagnose in 12-16-2009 with acute lymphoma leukemia a child hood cancer. he is now going through chemo therapy until 2012.

* 14 minutes ago
* ? 4 days left to answer.

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